Why write this log?
Curiosity | Expression | Vulnerability | Connection
"I am losing precious days, I am degenerating into a machine for making money, I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must get into the mountains to learn the news." _Muir
This brings me to question how different the cogs of capitalism really are. Within the machine that is capitalism, I have been lucky to work for a revolutionary force. A small team of jedis on a mission to alter history. Maybe a line in the pages of history will look a little different, our socio-enviro forward force spinning counter the established destruction. A workday of hacking optimization, selling, LCD screens, technical efficiency. A work week. A year. A lifetime.
"... one informs the other. I see the adventure as the tool which allows me to remain centred amidst my work in the world. In that way, it doesn’t as much feel like an escape but a critical component to my success as a birth keeper and activist, as well as a friend and lover. It’s the way I feed myself. I need months alone out there in this world of opportunity so I can come back and not feel trapped by the back sweat I need to put in so that I can be the instrument of change I want to be."
_Eliana Schiffer
_Eliana Schiffer
A log broke my leg.
A phone call from nature.
She wants me back, and I want it too.
Hard, heavy, long nature.
We reunite.
"The very survival of the human race depends on our ability to surround ourselves with people who believe what we believe. Something remarkable happens. Trust emerges."_Simon Sinek
"You cannot form trust through the internet."
Shareholder Value
The Experiment Must Go On
Just Following Orders
Amazon | Life enriched cheapened by efficiency and convenience.
Tinder | The unsatiable human crave for mirror neurons.
My life is a movie.
You can't make this up.
The scenes.
The characters.
"My name is Gideon Black
I came to get my life back
But my life here came to no good
It ended in the hangman's hood
Here lies old Jack Snow
A meal for the for the peckin crow
My name is Elias Cole
I was tried by a drunken mob
For a shooting in the Jackal Saloon
I went swinging by the light of the moon"
Werewolves devour the night.
Ashwa filled with soul.
Here are my personal favourites from Hangtown + some from the nearby journey.